Ripple by Mandy Hubbard | Teen Ink

Ripple by Mandy Hubbard

August 18, 2014
By Anonymous

If you are interested in supernatural, this is the right book for you. In, Ripple by Mandy Hubbard, gives a romantic but mystical feeling. It is place at the beach and a school. Lexi and Cole are the main character that puts the romantic feeling in you.

Well Lexi has been cursed, she can not fall in love with a person. The last person she fell in love with died. But there was a decision she had to make to be with the person she loves and to be normal. “A price must be payed in order to have a normal life.” The person she loves deeply must die. But there was another way, she must give up everything else.

What has caught to my attention in this book was the word, decisions. In her life she had to make a lot of decisions. We all have to make the really big decisions in life. But it is the right decision you have to make.
What I thought about the cover of the book was totally different to the title. I thought it was about murder, which it really was. There was a lot of other events that made me feel drawn to the book. Definitely a magnet. I really recommend this book.


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