City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare | Teen Ink

City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare

August 19, 2014
By Anonymous


“It posses the power of heavens fire. Strike your enemy with this and it will burn the evil out of him. If he is more evil than good, more hells than heavens, it will also burn the life from him. It will certainly savor his bond from your friend-and it can harm only one of them at a time.”  Said the great angel Raziel who was summoned by a vampire named Simon, near a river in Brooklyn, New York.  The bond between Jace, Clary’s lover, and Sebastian, Clary’s brother whom she hates, was said to be un brake-able. This bond connects the two boys so one feels what the other experiences; cut one and the other bleeds. Everybody is looking for the two boys and Clary who have been hiding in Valentine’s, Sebastian and Clary’s father’s, apartment, which is a portal.

Sebastian is taking over Jace. This Jace isn’t the Jace Clary knows and loves with all her heart. This Jace is much more careless and destructive. Clary’s evil brother, Sebastian is using him for a plan that can destroy the world. In this plan there will be a war. In this war good and evil will come together and fight. Clary wants to kill her brother very badly but in doing that she will kill Jace as well. Clary’s only hope is Simon, her best friend, and Jace’s brother and sister, Alec and Isabelle, who have been figuring out a way to separate them and break the bond between the two boys. Can Clary kill her brother without killing her beloved Jace?

I was very intrigued by this book because it’s full of action, romance, and surprises. If you’re the kind of person that likes to read about fantasy, adventure, and romance than I think you should read this book “City of Lost Souls” by Cassandra Clare. The fifth book in the The Mortal Instruments series.

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