The Touching Spirit Bear | Teen Ink

The Touching Spirit Bear

November 16, 2014
By Jose.m BRONZE, Coalinga, California
Jose.m BRONZE, Coalinga, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  This particular book review is about a book called The Touching Spirit Bear. The author of this book is Ben Mikealsen. The genre/type of this book is fiction and drama. In regard this took about a year. It took place in an Alaskan Island and Minneapolis. The main characters of this book are Cole, Peter, Edwin, Garvey. But other background characters are Peter Driscals parents, Nathaniel Blackwood, Coles Mother, Coles Father, And the Spirit Bear. This book is about a young 15 year old teenager that made bad decisions. Cole Mathews decided to beat up a young boy about the same age as him. His name is Peter Driscal. Cole had lost it, which led up to severe injuries. I think Cole lost it because the problems he was going through at home was affecting him. His father and mother were alcoholics. Which led up to separation. It affected Cole alot. Especially with his actions which led up to a tragedy. Cole was consequenced with either a year behind bars or isolation. Meanwhile he applied for a program called Circle Justice. That is an application for serious people wanting to be a better person. Cole was accepted. The program agreed to send him to an Alaskan Island. In conclusion I think it is a good book because it shows the consequences which inspires me not to do that. Lastly my opinion about the the book is that it is inspiring. This is because it shows the consequences which could happen to you... Think about.. If not remember this!


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