Marley and Me | Teen Ink

Marley and Me

December 18, 2008
By Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Marley And Me”, a surprisingly amazing book. Written by John Groger

It starts with a young couple, John and Jenny, newly weds in Palm Beach, looking for some new challenge in life. They were deeply in love, with a great house, great careers, and not a care . That lasts about 2 pages... that is until they bring Marley home. Little did they know that their lives would never be the same again. It's mostly about a dog and a newly joined family training the dog to be as normal as possible, which he is very very far from it. The whole time he's getting in to uncontrollable mischief. He was there when there when babies finally arrived and when a seventeen-year-old stabbed victim screamed in the night. Marley closed down a public beach and landed a role in a movie, always in a mess of things. But john and jenny never gave up on him. He ends up to be truly “A Mans Best Friend'.

It kept me guessing the whole time i was reading it, it made me not want to put it down which is odd for me because normally when i read books its confusing and hard to read. So i really like the authors detailed style of writing. Plot was very well planed out and the whole story line was well written, and of course the point of view on the book. This book would mostly be a part of the teenager to adult genre of books. Mostly a novel but in a way a autobiography. I would reccomend this book to anyone who's trying to find a book that easy yet fun to read. In all, a great book.


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