Homeless Bird by Gloria Whelan | Teen Ink

Homeless Bird by Gloria Whelan

March 16, 2015
By Tomoka Endo BRONZE, Bangkok, Other
Tomoka Endo BRONZE, Bangkok, Other
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                                       Happy Life

Have you ever read book about Indian girl? Do you like the story about teenager? I read one of book, called Homeless Bird. It was written by Gloria Whelan. It’s realistic fiction. This story is about an Indian girl named Koly who leaves her home to marry with a boy named Hari. After that, her life is changed largely. I enjoy this book and I like it.


I would like to tell summary of the story. Koly marries with Hari who she never met, and she lives with his family. However, she feels unhappy because her husband's mother always scolds her. Then, she knows a secret about Hari. He is very sick and he would die soon. They try to make him better, but he dies. After that, she still continues to live with his family except him. There, she experiences many miserable things, and she tries to deal with these unfortunate matters. What happens to Koly? How does Koly try to deal with them? Can Koly be happy again? You can find out these answer and know surprising ending if you read it.


First, I’m excited to read this book because I cannot guess what would happen next. I think that Hari is also annoying and bad because Hari’s mother is horrible, but actually, Hari is kind and nice to Koly. When she marries with him, I guess that she would live with him in his house forever, but actually, he would die soon. When I guess what would happen next or about character, it rarely comes true.


Second, I like this book because the story is about teenager’s life and I can compare how Koly’s life is different to my life. Koly is thirteen years old, so I can think about myself as Koly and compare my life or experience with hers. I have lots of different with Koly. I go to school, but Koly doesn’t. I live with my family, but Koly doesn’t. Koly gets married, but I don’t. Koly leaves her home and her family. Have you ever ran away from your house? I’ve never ran away from house. It’s difficult to identify myself with Koly, but I know it’s so hard to live alone and it would make me so lonesome and anxious. I’m also sure that Koly has really tough time.


Gloria Whelan who is authored of this book writes many books. Her other books are included historical fiction. However, I’m sure that the best of her work is this book, Homeless Bird because it was awarded National Book Award for Young People’s Literature in 2000. Now, you know, this book is very valuable and helpful. Therefore, you should read this valuable book to gain better sensibility.


If you are teenager, read this book to know about other teenager’s life or if you want to leave your house, read this book to understand how it’s hard! You can be also impressed and you can gain better sensibility if you read this book.

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