Twilight | Teen Ink


January 26, 2009
By Anonymous

“About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him, and I don’t know how dominant that part might be, that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.” These were the thoughts of Bella Swan, a teenage girl who fell in love with a demon. As I’m sure you would agree, many people assume that not much happens in the little town of Forks, located in Washington State. However, after reading the captivating novel, “Twilight”, the author, Stephanie Meyer, seemed to bring the surroundings and people to life. I felt as though I was present during the overwhelming and arduous first years of high school for Bella Swan away from her home in Phoenix, Arizona.

When Bella’s love for Edward Cullen, an exceptionally intelligent and almost too beyond compare gorgeous student attending Forks High School, becomes star-crossed, by a petrifying secret, she must live throughout the obstacles that can lead possibly to her death. The story is told in the perspective of the main character, Bella, who seems to know exactly how to explain their love for each other. Nevertheless, Edward seems to have quite a hard time controlling the yearning for her blood within him.

In my perspective, Bella Swan is the explanation as to why this book comes to life. Not only do you instantly become lost in her thoughts, but her feelings and emotions. There is quite a lot about her that she reveals gradually as the story progresses in this particular exhilarating romance novel. You feel as though you are at the back of her mind like she is an open book.

There are many eccentric characters that bring this book to life. To me, the most essential character, besides Bella, is Edward Cullen. As a vampire, he deeply thirsts for her blood. However, his unconditional love for Bella Swan makes his needs and wants just seem to drift away in a quest to protect her from hidden omens.

When he first saw her, he deeply wanted to do away with her for her blood. But later on, he realized that he could not keep his eyes off her. His passion and unquestionable affections for her makes you wish that there was an Edward Cullen out there somewhere for you. Everyone wants true love. And despite the fact that this is Stephanie Meyer’s first published book, she appears to understand what true love is through the eyes of a teenager in her context.

As you read through this book, you become conscious that there are more of Edward Cullen’s kind. He has a coven, a group of other vampires, that he considers family. They try to convince him that loving a mortal is a mistake, but he refuses to listen to their disapproving thoughts. Those characters are very essential to the story. However, there is one more person that has much influence on the happenings of the novel. This person is Charlie Swan, Bella’s father and the Chief of police. Unfortunately, he never really got to know his daughter because shortly after she was born, Renee, Bella’s mother and Charlie’s ex-wife, divorced and left him to go to Arizona. As you read the book, you can see how much it actually broke his heart.

“Twilight is a very intriguing book. In fact, I can undeniably say that it was probably one of the superlative books I have ever read throughout my entire life. I would recommend this book to readers who appreciate romance novels with an equal amount of action and suspense. The precise details and exceptional description draws every reader into the story. You feel as though you are standing right next to Bella facing her problems. Even the petite town of Forks has proven to enjoy the novel by hosting a book tour and celebrating Stephanie Meyer’s success. But the story doesn’t end here. There are numerous more accounts awaiting in the rest of the series all leading the breathtaking ending. “Twilight has had a lasting effect on me. I know that just about anyone could appreciate this book. Those are my lasting impressions on the novel “Twilight”.


This article has 1 comment.

AliPants said...
on Feb. 6 2009 at 1:42 am
While I completely disagree with you about this book, this was a well written review.