Maus by Art Spiegelman by Art Spiegelman | Teen Ink

Maus by Art Spiegelman by Art Spiegelman

June 10, 2015
By salvador2018 SILVER, Sacramento, California
salvador2018 SILVER, Sacramento, California
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When I first picked up this book Maus I thought this was going to be the worst I have ever read. So when I picked up the book and started reading it I got in to the book the first page I started reading it. Maus is about a boy named Artie and his dad is telling about the rough life he had back when the Nazi invasion was going on about how him and his wife had to hide in peoples shed to hide from the Nazi Germans.

This book seems so realistic I feel like that I know lot about the Nazi invasion that I have read the book it really helped me get a brief understanding of what the Jews life was like back then was during the Nazi invasion even the story in this is not real it still has happened in real life and this wasn’t a joke either over 2 million people died from Hitler and his Nazis. My opinion on this book is it was one of the best books I have ever read I like how they use the pigs as the Germans and the Jews to help identify who is who.

Also what is going in maus the Jews are actually mouse’s and the pigs are actually real pigs and there was a few times where arties dad got by the Germans then they put them in a camp where the made them work as slaves where they did mining cooking food for the Germans it was just they would also whipped even if they talked to anyone while they were doing their job like arties dad got whipped for talking to his mom. The things they did to those Jews were just horrible.   


The author Art Speigelman has made this book seem so real I would recommend this book to everybody this book is just amazing it really helps get a brief understanding about what happened during the Nazi invasion how they tried to survive or what they did to try to survive the Nazi invasion.   

The author's comments:

this piece a book review what in spire me to write this is to just to inspire other people to read and enjoy books


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