The diary of a young girl by Anne frank | Teen Ink

The diary of a young girl by Anne frank

September 9, 2015
By T066$$ BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
T066$$ BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Diary of a young girl.                 
The Diary of a young girl is a must read. Written by Anne Frank a thirteen year old Jewish girl ' whose family is hiding from the nazis during world war2. Anne Frank receives a diary on her thirteenth birthday. She writes about her family while hiding from Nazis. Her family is captured and only her dad survives. Her diary is found and published. This is and excellent book. Anne frank seems like a normal teenager I cannot imagine living in hiding from the Nazis the ending is so sad. The Diary of a Young girl is a great book about a Jewish teenager hiding from the Nazis during world war 2. The Diary is two years of her hiding she is eventually captured and the diary ends but, her diary is found by her dad and published so her memory would live on.


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