All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven | Teen Ink

All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

November 23, 2015
By A.Marcus DIAMOND, Landing, New Jersey
A.Marcus DIAMOND, Landing, New Jersey
86 articles 11 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.&quot;<br /> -Emily Bronte<br /> <br /> &quot;A shadow is the most loyal friend.&quot;<br /> -Amanda Marcus

 All the Bright Place written by Jennifer Niven is a brilliant story that I personally loved!  With characters that everyone can relate to in some way, real life teen problems, and a realistic plot, the book was well written and extremely gripping!
The book follows two main characters, Violet and Finch, lost teens as they find each other and begin to experience life.  When they find each other, the story truly begins.  As Violet’s world expands thanks to Finch, and she begins to go out into the world, Finch’s world get smaller, focused on his one and only true friend Violet.  As Finch suffers the effects of Violet’s exploration, his control on his life begins to slip and problems that every teen experiences ensues.
Unlike a lot of books revolving around teens, this one has the harsh reality of teen life written all over it.  With things such as depression and the feelings that are involved in being an outcast, All the Bright Places covers everything that any real life teen might experience.  Although it is dark and focuses on the dark side of teen life, it also explores the wonders of the bond between friends and just how much it can change.
I really loved the story, so much so that after the library kindly asked me to stop taking out the same book and “give others a chance”, I went out and bought the book and read it some more.  I found the characters relatable, the plot realistic, and story extremely gripping and compelling.  I highly recommend this book to any teen, although you should be warned that the story may be triggering and can elicit strong emotions from readers.  If you are looking to buy this book (which I highly recommend), Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and Books-A-Million all carry it for a reasonable price that is well worth it!  I really enjoyed the book and would recommend it to any reader, especially readers who are going through depression or friend issues because of the content (but be sure that you are prepared to deal with any of the triggering details).


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