A Corner Of the Universe | Teen Ink

A Corner Of the Universe

March 15, 2016
By Malona BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Malona BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Corner of the Universe is by Ann E. Martin. It is a fiction book that has 187 pages that is very inspiring to me. It was a very moving story about mental illness to know what it's like to be mentally ill. The story starts off with a twelve-year-old girl, Hattie Owen, who lives with her mother and father. She is as shy was a rabbit and doesn't have many friends that are her own age. The main character, Hattie has a difficulty making friends that are her age, but she does appreciate the company of some of the elderly borders, the nice cook, and her dad who is very crafty.  This book will teach the reader the meaning of life. I changed the  way I  felt and the way I treat people who ain't society’s view of normal. Well, who's knows they might just be another Adam.
Later on, in the book, Hattie finds out that a carnival is coming and she decides that she will go. Then one day her grandparents were going to take in a relative because this relative's school closed. Then on one summer, Hattie’s parents tell her about an uncle that she never even knew about. She soon finds the reason why no one had ever talked about him. It was because he was mentally handicapped. Over the summer, Hattie grows to love her uncle very much. The thing that Hattie just doesn't understand is why everyone treats him differently. She doesn't understand why they don't love him for the way he is. Hattie life will never be the same after she meets him. Soon she will be at her corner of the universe.
This book takes place in the town of Millerton in the 1960’s. Hattie lives with both of her parents in the northeastern United States. And another thing is that they have the third largest house in town with is impressive. Both the parents run a boarding house. The sad thing is that Hattie's father doesn't reach her grandparents expectations because he doesn't have a “real” job. The mood that I got from this story was filled with sadness, creativity, and some stigmatized about mental illness in the world.
I really enjoyed “A corner of the Universe.” I think that Ann Martin had written a very courge tale that involves around mental illness. It really sucked me in. It was very provoking, heart-felt story that made me cry. The author also included some funny and warming moment, but some heartbreaking moments too. I loved the plot of this story. The writing was powerful. This book deals with complicated issues like death and mental handicaps. Ann Martin did a great job at handling these issues to make a story that will take you on a roller coaster. Like a say life is like a roller coaster. It has its ups and downs. You can experience an emotional roller coaster along with Hattie.
I think that this is a story that should be told and treated with respect. After all, it does deals with many sensitive issues relating to mentally ill families. I love how the story shows a strong message about treating everyone equally and not to judge people before you know them. It shows the meaning of life and why some may shut others out. It shows that no matter how different they look, you might just be surprised at how much you have in common. The book shows that not everyone is the same. I think that this nook is something that is important for both adults and children to understand and learn.

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