Crank by Ellen Hopkins | Teen Ink

Crank by Ellen Hopkins

April 1, 2016
By Katlynjb BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
Katlynjb BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Kristina Georgia Snow was a normal teenager living a great life with her family until one summer when she goes to visit her dad for the first time in years because he was never around for her when she was a little girl. She makes one huge mistake that flips her world upside down and that’s when she gives “The Monster” crystal meth a try. Ruining relationships with family, and friends. She is ruining her self worth and letting her goals slip away. Her family becomes completely fed up with her, and she loses the most important people to her because of the choices she makes. Many changes happen to her throughout the book but how far will she go to feed her addiction? This book follows her life and how she chooses to live it.
Crank has a theme based upon addiction and battling with an addiction. From what I learned after reading this book, I believe that you get to understand why people do the things that they do. You get to see where addiction stems from and instead of being judgemental to those with addiction problems, and you can help them cope. Many readers will also be able to relate and connect deeply to this book. I believe the author’s purpose was to do exactly that -- bring readers in to understand and learn, but also relate. I found this book completely amazing. I have read every single book that Ellen Hopkins has written. She is a great author and one you can really get into and connect with. She has a very different way of writing and formatting her books. No matter which book you read of hers, they will always come in a poetry style layout. It will look like you are reading poetry when you are really not and I find that completely unique.
The book Crank definitely keeps you engaged and you will want to keep reading. I recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with addiction or someone who has a person in their life with an addiction. It’s a book for those who enjoy reading about the rebellious types of teenagers. Anyone can read this book and they will deeply connect with it in some way, shape, or form. There are also 2 more books that follow Kristina’s story after you finish Crank!


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