Delirium Trilogy by Lauren Oliver | Teen Ink

Delirium Trilogy by Lauren Oliver

April 17, 2016
By Thewritingghost BRONZE, DeRidder, Louisiana
Thewritingghost BRONZE, DeRidder, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Write until it becomes as natural as breathing. Write until not writing makes you anxious.

The Delirium Trilogy by Lauren Oliver

The  Delirium Trilogy was a good series. It was captivating and moving. You get engaged with the characters, and you can feel the main characters' every emotion. There is something in there for everyone. Fights for the boys.  Romance for the girls. As well as drama. You can relate to at least one of the characters in the story. Delirium and Pandemonium are amazing, and Requiem is  pretty good as well. Every problem that strikes has a definite resolution, except one, but that will be talk about in a minute. All of the books end in a cliffhanger. Even the final book.

There is only one problem with the ending of the trilogy. Lena has to choose between Alex and Julian. And well, she doesn't. The ending of Requiem doesn't tell us which one she picks. She falls in love with Julian and then Alex comes back. She's with Alex at the end, so it could be assumed that she breaks it off with Julian and dates Alex, but she looks at Julian and comments on how much she loves him. There is no definite solution to this problem. It could have ended with a simple cliché of her loving one of them, and the other finds someone else.

The author's comments:

I did love this series but the ending bothered me, and it still does.

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