A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller | Teen Ink

A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller

August 23, 2016
By AnoushehArif BRONZE, Lahore, Other
AnoushehArif BRONZE, Lahore, Other
3 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?"

‘A View from the Bridge’ is a short play divided into two acts. Written by Arthur Miller, a praised and renowned script writer, I expected this play to be an interesting read. Although this was a first timer with one of Arthur Miller’s plays, I guarantee that you will see my nose in one of his plays again. Written in 1955, some call it a ‘modern classic’, but I was wary of the fact that the language would be hard and boring. However, to my surprise the language used was quite easy to understand and read. That’s what I liked about this play, how it used simple English to deal with such a complicated and rather less talked about issue. Never during my read, did I find myself bored or uninterested. The storyline kept me hooked throughout. The play tackled with the inner desires of a regular citizen who lived in the United States of America. Eddie Carbone, a happily wedded man, finds himself falling in love with his wife’s niece. Of course, what Eddie wants is highly inappropriate and irregular. On top of that his wife’s cousins, who have come from Italy, stay at his house illegally. At conflict with himself, he doesn’t want his niece to grow up. Stopping time is impossible, and as she begins to fall in love with one of her aunt’s cousins, Eddie doesn’t know what to do. Living in denial, he isn’t ready to accept his own feelings, let alone tell anyone else. When things turn violent between Eddie and his wife’s cousins, he wants to keep his hidden desire for his niece intact, as well as his pride, which eventually leads to a tragic ending. At this point the reader asks himself, ‘How far is Eddie Carbone willing to go?' ‘A View from the Bridge’ is a beautifully written tragedy which shows the conflict of a man with himself and his feelings, and how he doesn't want to face the truth. I would recommend this book for all teens and adults who are looking for a different type of read about an issue which is less known of.


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