Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer | Teen Ink

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

November 16, 2016
By Mel.issa BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
Mel.issa BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
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Into the Wild is an informative book about Chris McCandless and his hunt for an adventure. It was well written by Jon Krakauer. The author interviewed the people Chris met on his adventure to self-discovery. Each one of them grew very fond of Chris and each had a memorable story to share about the 24-year-old. The book starts off with Jon introducing a man by the name of Jim Gallien. Jim met Chris on the side of the road in Alaska. Chris was carrying a rifle and a backpack over his shoulders, shivering in the cold. Jim pulled aside and gave him a ride. After a couple of hours of driving, Jim dropped Chris off at the side of the highway and told Chris to give him a call if he made it out alive. The next time Jim heard of Chris was on the news when he heard that Chris was found dead inside a broken down bus in Fairbanks, Alaska. Many people started to question the death of Chris McCandless. Questions such as “how did he die?” started to rise up. Like many other people, Jon Krakauer started to investigate the cause of death of Chris. Each time that Jon thought of a cause of death, a scientist or an expert will shoot his reasoning down. After reading this book, I started to think of reasons why Chris McCandless did the things he did. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer will leave you with a handful of unanswered questions and will lead you to think, what caused Chris McCandless to suddenly die?


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