City Of Ashes by Cassandra Clare | Teen Ink

City Of Ashes by Cassandra Clare

November 6, 2016
By J.S.Adderley BRONZE, Midvale, Utah
J.S.Adderley BRONZE, Midvale, Utah
3 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" She needed a hero so that's what she became. "

I had tried to read the first book of this series and was not as entranced as when I tried the second book of the series which is The City Of Ashes and I became hooked. After reading City of Ashes I have become addicted to The Mortal Instruments series. Even when things got bad in this book or when they seemed too good I dared not to put it down for fear that there might be something I could have missed. Cassandra clare I feel put everything where it should have been and the way she addresses different things is absolutely entrancing. The deep roots the characters have in this book keeps everything fresh.

With Clary and Jace's mother in a coma in the hospital Clary tries to find a way to wake her. While Jace is dealing with the fact that Jocelyn (Clary’s mother) is also his mother now knowing who his family is, and the fact he wants to protect his old and new family, from Jace and Clary’s father, all while being accused of fraud and how he is a liar and deceiver like his ‘father’ is. All while the people he called his own family once upon a time wishes to help him along while battling their own demons (figuratively and literally). All while Clary is being introduced to new worlds she does not understand, and having to make a decision that could ruin her and her best friends lives.
While all of that is happening Cassandra finds room to create deep foreshadowing remarks in this book that are amazingly formidable and how everything you read could be wrong. Cassandra makes the readers not only subtly confused but also contradicting toward themselves. The ways Cassandra foreshadows Jace’s family name, and the way that some people aren’t always safe, makes the plot very twisty. Her climax is toward the end of this book, and the rising actions is throughout the rest of the beginning making the climax ten times better because you get more detail, then the falling action is quick but just long enough to understand.

I believe everyone could relate to this book or a part of it, whether you don’t feel apart of a group, or a you are in a world you don’t understand. Even if you believe you can’t be as good as others, or how acceptance is difficult throughout your life. It also can reach out to anyone who is going through a tough time and need to hear that after it gets bad it gets better. I give this book a 10/10 because I felt involved in the world for a few minutes while reading this book.


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