Breaking Point by Aida Cruz | Teen Ink

Breaking Point by Aida Cruz

December 22, 2016
By Anonymous

In this story I read A girl named Vicky Fallon is going through many problems including family problems, relationship problems, and friendship problems. Lately her family has been having problems keeping up with bill every since her father lost his job and it’s been putting a lot of stress on her parents, her grandfather that’s moved in since he’s very old and he needs to be taken care of, and it’s been stressful for her as well. This story is based on real life situations and struggles that challenges the whole family.

Vicky’s father was a mechanic at an auto shop until it was closed down for good. Since he lost his job, Vicky’s mother was working long hours trying to make money but it wasn’t enough to pay all the bills. The father was always leaving “trying to find a job” but he could never find one. One part of the story that i thought was interesting was that, when Vicky was to be at home on time to help her family move in her grandfather’s stuff, she stays after school to support a friend of her’s named Martin. Now Martin wasn’t really a bad kid but just didn’t really get along with people that disrespect him. Martin was having a hearing done in school to see if he was going to get expelled from Blue Ford High after the fights he got into with an all star quarterback named Steve who was also Vick’s ex boyfriend. With all her support  and others Martin was able to stay at the school and Martin was thankful vicky took time out of her day to be there for him.

I think the author wanted to let us know that no matter how much trouble you get in there will always be a small handful of friends that will be there for you and will support you even if the situation is really bad. I know if I were to get into a mess and my education was at risk a couple would be by my side and tell me I need to fix that mistake. I learned that it’s hard to keep things bottled in from everyone and if you don’t speak about then it will affect you in a bad way for example for Vicky she began lacking in her class lately because of the problems she’s been having at home and she didn’t tell nobody until she was at her breaking point. I feel like 2 important subject that were brought up was gambling and friendship problems. At one point her father began to gamble all his money and even stole from his own family because he thought he would make money from bets he made in order to pay off every house bill but he never won. Then as soon as Vicky became close friends with Martin, Vicky’s best friend Teresa all of a sudden began to think that Vicky and her stopped talking because of Martin. Which caused Teresa to get very jealous that Vicky was spending time with him and never having time for her. So Teresa begins to rub a lot of things in Vicky’s face to piss her off.

I liked that the story had a lot of drama to it and it opened my mind to understand the characters in the book. The reason why i liked it was because I felt like i was actually in the story and i understood what Vicky was going through. I think a lot of my friends would like to read this book because most of them have a similar taste in books as I do.

I feel as if the author wrote this book to give us a background of what they went through as teen’s in High School back then. From what I know in this story the author has impacted my reading in a good way because now I’m interested in reading more BluFord High books. For example Vicky is a Puerto Rican teen in high school and her family is struggling because her father lost his job and it affected her life in many ways.

I feel like this story kind of reminds me about my life. The reason why I say that is because even my mother sometimes struggle to make ends neat. And since I know how the main character feels it makes me want to read more.

This is some brief information about the story I really like. I feel as if all my friends should read this book because it’s really good and the book will grasp their attention. I would rate this book a 5 out of 5 because it’s really good.

The author's comments:

I think this was a good bokk and other people should read it.


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