Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson | Teen Ink

Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

January 26, 2017
By WhiteBoy_J BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
WhiteBoy_J BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sanderson, Brandon. Steelheart. New York, Delacorte Press, 2013. 384.

At the beginning of Steelheart, by Brandon Sanderson you are told the story of how David's dad dies in a bank after a person with superhuman powers kills him when his father accidentally shoots him and makes him bleed. After seeing his dad dead, David made it his life's mission to kill Steelheart and avenge his father. He has heard of some people who hunt down all of the bad mutants called the Reckoners, so he finds them. David tells them about how he has seen Steelheart bleed when his father shot him by accident, hoping that this will convince them to let him join. After joining the Reckoners, he tells them of a plan that he has to kill Steelheart.

Steelheart is a great book if you are looking for an exciting adventure with many moments that will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time! I like how Steelheart pulls the readers with the quote, “I’ve seen Steelheart bleed.” This quote is said multiple times in the book. As I was reading Brandon Sanderson’s book, I could hear David's voice talking and the emotion in the scene. The Reckoners leader, Prof, was always a character that stood out to me because after awhile of not seeing what Prof did, David got to see him at his full potential when he is saving him. I would definitely suggest this book to my friends because of how memorable it is, and there are multiple books in the series that they can enjoy one after another.


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