The Book Thief by Markus Zusak | Teen Ink

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

March 20, 2009
By AntoinetteBrandt GOLD, Interlachen, Florida
AntoinetteBrandt GOLD, Interlachen, Florida
16 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
In order to gain all, you must risk all.

'They say war is death's best friend, but I must offer you a different point of view on that one. To me, war is like the new boss who expects the impossible. He stands over your shoulder repeating one thing incessantly: 'Get it done, get it done.' So you work harder. You get the job done. The boss, however, does not thank you. He asks for more.'

This novel, with its provocative prose and timeless sensibility, will enrapture any reader who picks it up. Set during the Holocaust, Zusak takes us through a new perspective ' the ominescent point of view taken by Death. Can you imagine how busy he must be during this time of expansive loss? It is not only through his eyes, however, that the story is told. You fall in love with every one of the characters, and truly understand the meaning of words. This a book that you will not want to part with ' the characters stay with you even after it's all over.

'Yes, the boss was at my shoulder. 'Get it done, get it done.' The bombs were coming ' and so was I.'

Leisel's story will break your heart and mend it all at once. Beginning at her brother's graveside and ending'with the colors.

'Come with me and I'll tell you a story. I'll show you something.'


This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 20 2009 at 11:25 am
AntoinetteBrandt GOLD, Interlachen, Florida
16 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
In order to gain all, you must risk all.

Def. I fell in love with the characters because of the way he wrote it. When i finished the novel, I took a breath, turned to page one, and read it all over again.

Joanna said...
on Jul. 25 2009 at 11:23 pm
Joanna, St. Catharines, Other
0 articles 0 photos 165 comments
YES!! Yes! This is one of my favourite novels. The words Markus Zusak used to tell the story... God, it's just so heartbreakingly beautiful. "I am haunted by humans." -- because of that book, I am now haunted by words.