Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | Teen Ink

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

April 24, 2017
By Death_To_Whale BRONZE, Vauxhall, Alberta
Death_To_Whale BRONZE, Vauxhall, Alberta
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Having a Stop Carbon Dioxide emissions sticker on a car is like having a Save the Whalse sticker on a harpoon!


Harry Potter is an unusual boy. for starters he is a wizard. Even by the standards of being a wizard, he is starnge. For one he xould not be killed by Voldemort, his sworn enemy, and the only mark of the curse, is the thin lightning bolt scar on his forhead. 

In this book, harry starts his 5th year at hogwarts school, where he learns how to be a wizard and control his powers. after having a run in with dementors, a foul creature that sucks your soul out of ou, attacks him and he is forced to use magic. he is under the age of a wizard and therefore cannot use magic legally. After he fights them off, he receives a letter from the Ministry of Magic, telling him that he was expelled from the school and a wizard wason his way to destroy his wand. what happens nextis up to the reader

i would reccomend this book to someone who has already read the first four books and has a good idea of what is going in the story. it is filled with action, everyday problems and constant ridicule from fellow classmates. This is one of my favroite books and one of m favroite series and would highly reccomend this to anyone


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