The Maze Runner by James Dashner | Teen Ink

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

September 22, 2017
By KevinBaylon17 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
KevinBaylon17 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thomas is a teen that wakes up and finds himself in an elevator surrounded by darkness. He doesn’t remember anything except his name. Later the doors open to see strangers that are his age and don’t remember anything like him. He learns about the new place called the Glade.

This book was thrilling to me because it was an adventure full of action and suspense. Also I liked the book for the enormous amount of detail it gives to events and characters. It helps you understand more by creating a clear image of what’s happening. This helps develop a strong characterization of all of the characters because the book explains every character by their characteristics, personality, and actions with a lot of details. Both help create a strong plot structure and it’s great because it happens in order instead of it being all over the place which makes it confusing.

“There was the sound of snapping wire. The woosh of an object slicing through the air. The sickening, wet thunk of it finding a home” (Dashner 74). This quote proves the point that there’s a lot of detail because he could've just said that the arrow hit someone, but the author was more creative by expressing more detail to create a clear image.

“Both Grievers had righted themselves and extended their spikes, had started moving toward them. It won’t let us enter the word PUSH,’ Thomas said absently” (Dashner 345). This quote proves that the author gives suspenseful moments by putting characters in dangerous positions and that’s just one of many events.

The Maze Runner would interest teenagers due to all of the action and suspense that entertains them. Younger people wouldn’t want to read it because they won’t understand all of the information going on and they aren’t really interested in violence yet. Older people wouldn’t want to read it because adults aren’t really interested in fiction especially when it’s in the future.

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