Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver | Teen Ink

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

September 22, 2017
By alejandra.centeno BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
alejandra.centeno BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Before I Fall is about a girl named Samantha Kingston who died and kept reliving the same day for seven days. It is a young adult fiction novel written by Lauren Oliver. The thing I liked most about the book is that it includes real life situations that people can connect to and it has an interesting plot structure. One of my favorite quotes that I think many people can relate to in this book is, “That’s when I realized that certain moments go on forever. Even after they’re over they still go on, even after you’re died or buried, those moments are lasting still, backward and forward, on into infinity” (Oliver 470). The reason I think that many people can relate to this quote is because many people believe that whatever they do, good or bad, will not matter the next day. That is not always true. Great and horrible memories can stay with you forever. From your first kiss to your first fight. It all stays even if you don’t remember. Honestly, the plot structure was a bit weird. Basically every day was set up the same but the only one who had the opportunity see and change things was Samantha. A quote I think goes well with this unique plot structure is, when Samantha says, “So many things become beautiful when you really look” (Oliver 344). When you relive the same day, the same plot structure for seven chapters, you start noticing things. I learned that every single thing we do leads to a good or a bad consequence that we can’t take back. Before I Fall is a fantastic novel that people can relate to. I recommend it from ages 14 and above because it contains extensive violence, sexual content and inappropriate language that only a well matured audience will understand.

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