The Way I Used To Be by Amber Smith by Amber Smith by Blaze Cox | Teen Ink

The Way I Used To Be by Amber Smith by Amber Smith by Blaze Cox

November 25, 2017
By BlazeCox BRONZE, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
BlazeCox BRONZE, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
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“Especially when you get attacked in your own room-in your own bed, and you can't even stand up for yourself in the one place you're supposed to be safe.” This is quote from the fictional novel The Way I Used To Be by Amber Smith. This novel has a very good hook in the beginning and catches the reader's attention early on. Early in the book, it introduces the theme which is recovering from traumatic experiences. Based on the title the reader can assume that it isn't exactly a happy book. 
This novel is about a girl named Eden. Her world gets turned upside down when her brother’s best friend Kevin sexually assaults her. She continues to live her life, but she will never be the way she was before. Her brother the only person she trusted, goes off to college so she must learn to trust others. When Eden goes to school rumors are spread about her making her life even worse. Her stepfather is abusive and can never stop drinking. she doesn't feel safe anywhere, and has trouble battling depression.
The Way I Used To Be was quite a depressing novel. It brought up some topics that a lot of people avoid in their lives but not a lot of people are aware of the issue because too many people are afraid that others will judge them. I really enjoyed reading this book because I could relate it in a lot of ways. Most books that I read I don’t finish, but this one was different. I was able to sit down and finish this book in less than a week. Many of the feelings expressed by the main character, Eden, weren't happiness or joy. With all she went through, the last thing she could think about was true happiness.
Overall, this book has been my favorite book I have ever read. This book has all of the things in my mind to be something that a lot of people can sit down and enjoy reading and not want to put down. The topics in this book can be sensitive topics and aren't always good for everyone to read. The Way I Used To Be should not be read by anybody that is not mature enough to handle the topics talked about. When reading the piece you could tell it was quality writing and Smith knew what she was doing.


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