Jennifer Government Review | Teen Ink

Jennifer Government Review

June 10, 2024
By Bdstewart26 SILVER, Troy, Michigan
Bdstewart26 SILVER, Troy, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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The book, “Jennifer Government” by Max Barry is a very similar style to the book “1984” by George Orwell. They both are amazing iconic books and they both show control over society. They make some amazing comparisons but they’re also different in ways. Both books show dystopian societies with corrupted political systems. “1984” looks at the dangers of a harsh totalitarian government that restricts peoples’ liberty. “Jennifer Government” illustrates another perspective, depicting a world where business correlates with power. Concern over the growth of power and how it affects citizens’ lives is similarly shown in both stories. Both books have a recurring theme of resistance, control, and surveillance and they highlight how different social structures may have similar impacts. Readers are more easily able to understand the complexity and risks of systems that value authority— whether corporate control or governmental— above peoples freedom when they compare these books one to another.  

The author's comments:

This is a little blog about a book that I like 

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