Pearl Harbor | Teen Ink

Pearl Harbor

December 19, 2018
By Gorun02 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Gorun02 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The movie Pearl Harbor is an action movie with some drama which brings many mixed emotions. This movie was always surprising me with unexpected events, emotional content, and the action portrayed in this movie. It does a good job of showing what it was like being a soldier during World War ll. It takes everything that happened at Pearl Harbor and puts it into perspective for the viewer. From only knowing the basic information about what happened at Pearl Harbor, I now know and am knowledgeable of the realistic events that happened during Pearl Harbor through a story about two best friends.  

The basis of the movie is centered around two young boys, Rafe McCawley, played by Ben Affleck and Danny Walker, played by Josh Hartnett. They grew up together wanting to fly planes in the United States Army Air Corps. Any chance they had, they were in their fathers planes parker in the hanger, pretending to fly like pilots. They are best friends who would take a bullet for one another. Tension arises when both Rafe and Danny fall in love with the same girl, who is Nurse in the war. Both young men are stationed in Hawaii at Pearl Harbor along with the Nurse, Evelyne. Rafe happens to get in a dog fight with some Japanese soldiers and finds himself in the sea. I was hooked from the beginning by the action and connection that forms between the characters.

This movie was always surprising me with unexpected events, emotional content, and the action portrayed in this movie. The ending was unpredictable which shows the turn of events. Continuing to be one of the best movies I have seen, this is not my last time watching it. The length of the movie was very appropriate. It gave me a complete understanding of what had happened at Pearl Harbor through the story of two young men. This movie is good gauged more towards kids aged thirteen and up because of the action which has some blood, and also some sexual scenes. Overall, I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants to be occupied being entertained by the story of Pearl Harbor.

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