Baywatch | Teen Ink


January 22, 2019
By Anonymous

When I first saw the movie “Baywatch”, I was happy because the trailer looked awesome. I wanted to watch the movie because of Dwayne Johnson, he was the head lifeguard. When Dwayne Johnson got a call from his boss saying he is gonna have an Olympic gold medalist on his team the rock didn't like that he needed to pass the test first to become one. Zac Efron was the gold medalist and he was the cocky one in the beginning. So Zac Efron name in the movie is brody and Dwayne Johnson is Mitch so brody accepts Mitch challenge, and Mitch beats him but he is still on the team. There are 2 more people that join one of them is Brody's crush.

Mitch always goes on this morning run around the beach edge, this kid is building a sandcastle and finds drugs washed up on the shore. The next day they get a call saying there is a boat on fire in the ocean close to shore. They get to the fire and there is fire all around the boat, it looks like a ring of fire with the boat sitting right in the center of it. Mitch swims under the fire and gets to the boat there are two girls alive and one man dead, so they get back and the police are there and Mitch finds drugs in the girl's swimsuit on the side of her hip. So the cop says to Mitch to stay out of this case because Mitch likes do some of the cops work because the cop that works the bay is not that good. Plus they know the guy that was dead and they know that this wasn't an accident, they knew this was a job. The person who deals the drugs is a girl named Victoria Leeds, she was untouchable because the cops didn't think of her like that but Baywatch did.

So when they usually do something that saved someone or need to talk about a case that the police are not doing anything about it, they go have lunch and they talk about the case or the good work they did. But they were talking about the Rodriguez case, when he died on the boat they were trying to figure out what was all connected about it. After an hour of lunch, Mitch figured out whose boat that was and it was victorias boat they were on. So There was a party that Mitch got invited to that is ran by Victoria so plan was to find out about this case. They go to the part Brody was the lookout and we needed someone to distract Victoria so they get the tech guy to dance in front of her but Mitch got caught up in Brody because he was drunk and couldn't to it.

So Brody wants to quit but he thinks to himself I will be homeless if I don't say. He goes up to Mitch and says he's sorry and throws his gold medal into the ocean. Mitch thinks about it and he says your back on the team but don't mess up again. So the girl that he likes doesn't talk to him anymore because he messed up so he goes over to her and says he apologizes, she forgave him and that's when he was going to change. So the next day they go to the hospital to check the body that they found on the boat that was on fire. They get there and they're looking at his papers of what did he have for wounds and all that, while they were checking it the bad guys come in and change the files well Brody is a germ freak and he has some type of juice that falls on his cheek he freaks out gets out of the roller thing and the bad guys identify him and Mitch comes out and they run.

Mitch chases the one with the files he gets on a jet ski and Mitch gets one that is faster, so Mitch is chasing this guy and finally gets him on land and he hides in a house and they start fighting and Mitch says I'm gonna need that phone back and he breaks it. So Mitch beats him up and tries to fix the phone to get evidence but he couldn't fix it, the next day Mitches boss calls him and say we need to talk. Mitch goes in and he gets fired because his boss doesn't like when he does cop work and gets mad at him because he is a lifeguard. So that means Brody is the head of the lifeguards he isn't ready and everyone gets mad at him because they think he's happy that Mitch is gone which he is not because he could never be the next Mitch. So Victoria has another boat party and they go there and they try to find the drugs and Brody thinks its under the boat and he goes under and finds it. But Victoria finds him and brings him on a boat and going to drown him in a cage and throw him off the boat. He is trying to get out and he passes out and Mitch dives in and saves him, Victoria goes to this other boat that hs fireworks on it and to get out of there but mitch and brody try to get her and Victoria shoots Mitch in the chest and there is this needle ball that's in the ocean and if you get pricked by it you have a bunch of adrenaline then you die. So Mitch gets back on the boat and grabs a big firework and blows her up and Brody gets some help for Mitch.

So the cops arrest all the bad guys that were on the boat and arrest also Mitches boss because of Victoria, she paid him to fire Mitch and They get a new boss and Mitch is back on the job and now the bay is safe.

The author's comments:

It's very interesting and a good movie.

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