Black Mirror - Bandersnatch | Teen Ink

Black Mirror - Bandersnatch

February 1, 2019
By frenettek3206 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
frenettek3206 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The television of tomorrow has finally come, combining the viewers with the movie characters. It was one of the best movies I had ever seen, it left me wondering and thinking about if there could really be different timelines and if your just one of the many timelines out there. "Black Mirror - Bandersnatch" is a thrilling, blood pumping, mind-twisting film diving into the psychological means of decision making. This movie is mind hooking and most likely leave you wondering who is really the one being controlled? You or psychopath Stefan?
Stefan is a 19-year-old boy, that is trying to make it in the big business world of computer programming. He starts to be obsessed with adapting his favorite “choose your path” book into a real-life video game. The game starts to pull him into a false reality where his mind starts slipping down a slippery slope of the past in which he could change his mother's fate from a gruesome death to the mother he always wanted. This is where the movie really starts to pull you into the mind and how Stefan thinks and your curiosity of the future. The storyline and how it is told is well written and in a really satisfactory way. “Black Mirrors” roots come to play when Stefan's mind starts to become muddled as if he isn't the one making the decisions as if there is something out there controlling his every move.
“It's not a happy game, It’s a f*cking nightmare world,” by Colin the prestige computer programmer. Through the mind-twisting computer programmer's thoughts, you find a deeper meaning of the game PAC Man: deeper, darker, a gut-wrenching meaning. It has this mystery feel of where the movie makes your mind wander on what will happen and if he is gonna do this or that and I just love it. Leaving the story less like a tree with branches of options but furthermore like a chiseled path.
“Black Mirror - Bandersnatch” is a movie that puts the watcher in the driver's seat, letting them go through and discover all the different endings. There are mainly 4 distinct parts that affect the ending. The creators make it very easy for the viewers to imagine different dimensions and timelines that didn't happen in the movie. Throughout the movie Netflix pops up and the symbol of yes or no, giving the clues that someone is controlling him. Giving the false nature of securance and playing into the fact that you are watching the movie on Netflix. I like how it feels that your controlling Stefan, you have the opportunity to change his future while still being able to go back in time and choose a different option. It really plays off the time travel and government conspiracy theories throughout the movie and that you are not really very alone.
In conclusion “Black Mirror - Bandersnatch” was a very good movie. It has a very neat layout and how they go through the movie and make you believe you are controlling Stefan is interesting and mind hooking. Pulling you in as key events start happening, making you wonder how will he act when you choose this or that. While also having that mystery of what would happen if you had totally different choices. I strongly recommend watching “Black Mirror - Bandersnatch” if you like government conspiracies, serial killer, mystery movies. Today, television is the most powerful medium in the world. “Tomorrow it will be the most personal. There is no one future for television. It will be defined differently for everyone,” by Anne Sweeney.

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