Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates | Teen Ink

Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates

November 12, 2019
By Anonymous

 Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates is a drama revolving around two brothers named Mike and Dave. Both Mike and Dave are on the younger side, adventurous, and are known for loving parties. However, they tend to get out of hand at most family gatherings and don't seem to know their own limits. In fact, although they think they are always the heart of the party, in reality, they are actually the main cause for party disasters. Whereas they think they're impressing everybody with fireworks, they are actually destroying property and putting others in danger. Because of their past record, their immediate family gathers them together to inform them about their sister's upcoming wedding. Their sister, Jeanie, reveals that she is going to have a destination wedding in Hawaii, and due to Mike and Dave's history of getting into trouble, they tell the duo that they have to bring two dates to the wedding. Everyone wants Dave and Mike to bring two nice respectable women. Because the two of them don't know where to look, they decide to post an ad on the internet, informing people about how they are just two people looking to bring two people to Hawaii for a wedding, except they make it seem like an elaborate vacation. Due to how this makes the trip seem super appealing, it gathers a ton of attention, and before they can figure out what they have done, Dave and Mike soon receive more people asking to be brought along on the trip than they can count. Dave and Mike eventually pick two women in Tatiana and Alice, whom both seem like charming, smart, kind individuals. However, Dave and Mike don't know that the two of them are crazy partiers that are nothing like they described. Mike and Dave soon realize that they may have brought a gigantic mess with them to Hawaii, and they have no idea how to fix it. 

 Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates proves to be a fairly generic romantic comedy that has a plot that isn't the greatest, but there is a fair amount of humor. The beginning of the movie is fairly strong and helps to introduce audiences to Mike and Dave and their relationship with one another. The middle of the movie does a satisfactory job of progressing things along and presents new, creative obstacles for all of the main characters. The ending of the movie is one of the weaker portions and just manages to be a jumble of predictability, redundancy, and noncreative scenes. Even though the actual conclusion is far from being the greatest, this doesn't change the fact that there are moments of greatness dispersed throughout the entirety of the movie. 

 Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates may not revolutionize the genre, but there are a few scenes in particular that are still able to shine. There's one scene that involves Mike driving an ATV and accidentally running over his sister slightly, which proves to be just as hilarious as it sounds. Even though there are certainly some highlights, the ending of the movie almost ruins the movie. While the ending of a comedy is usually predictable, the predictability of this one may not be that big of a downside, but the fact that the conclusion doesn't really have any heartwarming or possess any real significance is notable. In fact, none of the characters really ever become that compelling or capable of making viewers feel an entire spectrum of emotions. Instead, the characters just provide laughs and entertainment, which isn't bad, but for some movie-goers, this is absolutely a negative component. 
 Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates is saved by a star-studded cast that helps to ensure that the movie doesn't become a horrific flop. Zac Efron does a spectacular job of portraying Dave, and his performance is crucial to the actual outcome of the movie. Adam Devine also does a superb job of transforming into Mike, and his portrayal is one of most successful, capable of causing audiences to root for him during certain parts. Their two performances help to combine together to create an amazing acting duo that conjures up humor, and it wouldn't be that outrageous for some to want to see the movie for the sole purpose of seeing them. While there are plenty of other notable roles, including Anna Kendrick's Alice and Aubrey Plaza's Tatiana, who are both two of the girls that Mike and Dave bring as dates, the true heart and soul of the movie are Efron and Devine's characters.

 Even though Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates seems to be capable of entertaining audiences, critics were extremely harsh with the movie. Rotten Tomatoes was relentless and gave the movie a poor 36%, which is just as poor as it sounds. However, an impressive 89% of Google users liked the movie, helping to demonstrate that critics' opinions shouldn't have the largest impact on potential viewers. 

 Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates isn't the best fit for some, due to its incredibly mature content, but for those who like comedies with charismatic actors and actresses, this is one to watch. 

The author's comments:

"We're about to do something awesome." - Mike

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