Devil | Teen Ink


January 26, 2022
By christian-williams3 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
christian-williams3 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Honestly, I have no clue why I love this movie so much. It seems like every time I am looking for something to get me on edge I automatically think of this movie. The movie is set in just one building with a few scenes elsewhere which therefore, makes it easy to follow along. A well made movie does not only affect a person's emotions while they are watching the movie, but also affects them after too. When the movie got to the point where the man was confessing his sins it made me confess to all the bad choices i made in life. Devil is a really good horror-thriller movie just being 80 minutes long. But despite being a short movie, it is filled to the brim with tension and suspense to the very end.


Devil is about a group of people stuck in an elevator and the devil is mysteriously amongst them. Five complete strangers in an elevator but, what happens next is nothing out of the ordinary. The elevator gets stuck in doing so traps the 5 passengers in it who expected to be together for just a few minutes. Who now faces their secrets and sins with the devil in the elevator with them.


 In that period inexplicable things happen.Vince a mattress salesman is the first to die being slashed in the neck by a knife.The other 4 people in the elevator are baffled as to who killed him. Next goes an old woman who is shown as a compulsive thief as she stole a handbag while entering the elevator.Third to was the security guard Ben who is violent by nature who has been sent to kill Sarah by her husband!.The remaining two are one ex army guy who is seeking employment as a mechanic in the building and Sarah a seductress.The story says all evil persons are to be stolen away by the devil for their sin they did in life .After the people in the elevator thinking was suppose to be a safety drill. Then maintenance people rescue those still alive that are trapped. Bowden the detective in charge of the operations of rescue of those trapped.He learns that ex army guy was the hit and run driver who killed his wife and son 5 years earlier

This movie really made me think about the line separating good and evil and the terrible fate that lots of people go through. If you want a thriller mystery horror movie then this is the movie for you.


The author's comments:

what i hope people will get from this movie devil is entertainment.

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