Twilight: New Moon | Teen Ink

Twilight: New Moon

November 23, 2009
By MikkiJeanne SILVER, Loganville, Georgia
MikkiJeanne SILVER, Loganville, Georgia
8 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life as though you would die tomorrow
Learn as though you would live forever..."

New Moon, the second of four books in the Twilight Saga written by Stephanie Meyer, came to theaters as a movie November 20, 2009.
When Edward (Robert Pattinson) leaves Bella (Kristen Stewart) ,after Jasper (Jackson Rathbone) tries to attack her, she is devastated. She mopes around for months ignoring her friends before realizing, before he left, that she promised Edward she would not do reckless and stupid things.
She saves two motorcycles from going to the junkyard and takes them to her good friend and lovely mechanic, Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner). They begin to hang out and his presence heals Bella’s broken heart.
One day, when Bella is waiting for Jacob, she jumps off a cliff. After arriving home that day, she sees Alice, who takes her to save Edward in Italy. Edward thought that Bella was trying to kill herself when she jumps off the cliff and succeeded. He’s in Italy to irritate the Voltori and get killed as he thought Bella had.
The movie, directed by Chris Weitz, portrays Stephanie Meyer’s book quite well. A few things are in the wrong order or wrong scene, but besides those very few mistakes, the movie is very good. It is also very funny, and I HIGHLY recommend it!

The author's comments:
I saw the movie with one of my BFF's.We found it hysterical and well portrayed. It was much better than the 1st movie and Taylor Lautner was a WONDERFUL choice for Jacob Black.

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