max payne | Teen Ink

max payne

May 25, 2010
By teenink16 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
teenink16 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you believe in angels you should because max Payne has to fight them to learn a secret about who kill his wife. Fight is what he’s good at the person plays as max Payne “mark wahlberg’’ a nypd detective that is trying to find who kill his wife. His best friend bb Hensley ``beau bridges’’ he works for the place max wife job that is making a drug that makes the people in army more ready to fight with the enemy there were some side effects to the people that toke the drug.
As max searches for his wife killer he gets caught with a detective that dies in his house and his is the one that is thought how killing the person for information for his wife killer? The detective that is trying to take max in for killing the person in his house the detective who is working on the case is ``ludacris” playing as LT. Jim Bravara he thinks that max killed the person because he thought max hated that person because he had information on his wife’s killer. Max finds out the person that killed his wife had a tattoo of angel wings on his arm.
`` Mila kunis” as Mona Sax has a sister that die and she thinks that max killed her because he was the last one to see her alive. Then Mona finds out that they both are looking for the same person and that max didn’t kill her. Weird things start to happen when they ask the people Mona know they kept dieing around them. ``lock and load” max kills anyone that gets in his way or doesn’t give him the answer he finds out that he has to kill the man that killed his wife but the man is gaured by same type of angel and max has to kill the angels.
I think what the director ``John Moore” he wanted this movie to be action packed with a lot of fighting in the movie. What I thought about the movie was awesome with all the gun fights and cool sites. What I didn’t like is all the drug use in the movie. Overall my reaction to this movie was awesome action with the fighting and angels that attack him. You should start believing in god and angels. Because you don’t know what he and his angels can do to you.
This movie is rated r
By les Pritchett, cannon falls, mn

The author's comments:
i think that this is a good movie


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