Scream 4 | Teen Ink

Scream 4

May 1, 2011
By Metallica96 SILVER, Toms River, New Jersey
Metallica96 SILVER, Toms River, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

" What's your favorite scary movie?" You might know this line from the new movie Scream 4. Director Wes Craven has done it again with the best and most successful Scream movie he's ever made. It is the funniest, bloodiest, and most suspensful Scream they have ever made. Famous survivor of the ghost face killer known as Sidney Prescott is back, now the author of a book. She makes her last stop on her book tour in her old town of Woodsboro. But little does she know that the ghost face killer is back. Reuniting with Sheriff Dewey and news reporter Gale Weathers, and joining the three of them is Sidney's cousin Jill, together they must once again stop the ghost face killer, find out who it is, and put an end to the Woodsboro murders for good.

The author's comments:
I saw this movie and liked it.


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