A Walk to Remember | Teen Ink

A Walk to Remember

February 20, 2012
By Bethany Wilson BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Bethany Wilson BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In recent years, the term “chick flick” has become an insult commonly tossed at movies aimed toward female audiences. If the movie includes a handsome male lead, a “Romeo and Juliet” type of plot, and a happy ending where everyone falls in love, it is labeled a chick flick and disregarded as shallow and superficial. However, A Walk to Remember is proving that stereotype wrong. It beautifully demonstrates how a movie can appeal to female audiences and still have a dramatic story and important messages about faith, opportunity, and placing your destiny in God’s hands.
Based on the 1999 book of the same name by Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember tells the story of a shy pastor’s daughter named Jamie Sullivan. Jamie is a quiet, bookish student, and a bit of a loner; she has never really been noticed before until meeting Landon Carter, a rebellious and popular student. After being forced to perform in the school play together, Landon falls for Jamie’s beauty and kind spirit. Against her father’s wishes, and Jamie’s insistence that Landon promise “not to fall in love” with her, the two start seeing each other. Jamie reveals to Landon her wish list of everything she wants to do before she dies, and he sets out to fulfill all of her dreams on that list. At this point, you may already be ready to label this movie as another stereotypical fairytale romance, but don’t give in yet! Landon’s world is turned upside down when Jamie reveals to him that she is dying of leukemia and has only months to live. At first Landon is angry with her for not telling him sooner, but he soon makes it his mission to make the last few months of this beautiful girl’s life the best that they can be. What follows is a touching story of real love and acceptance, and the message that life isn’t always what we would hope or expect it to be.
A Walk to Remember is easily one of my favorite movies, and not just because of the romantic tale it tells. It is an incredibly emotional movie to watch, as Jamie’s struggle with leukemia unfolds before your eyes. Mandy Moore portrays the character in a truly touching way, making it easy for almost any girl to relate to Jamie’s life. Also, I love the way that Jamie’s faith is woven into the story. She is obviously a Christian-- her father is a pastor, after all--, but the movie sends messages of God’s great love and all-powerful plan for our lives, without seeming to be pushing religion down your throat. For all of these reasons, I would give A Walk to Remember five stars out of five. Its emotional appeal and compelling story make it a must-see for any girl looking for something more than the average “chick flick.” Besides, who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned romance?

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