Tangled | Teen Ink


March 7, 2012
By melanielikestoeat BRONZE, San Gabriel, California
melanielikestoeat BRONZE, San Gabriel, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the movie, “Tangled”, Disney takes a humorous and whimsical twist to the German tale Rapunzel. Unlike the original version, Rapunzel’s mother becomes ill during pregnancy and is in need of a magical flower that can help cure illnesses and prevents aging. However, it is in the possession of Gothel, an old woman who finds the flower originally and uses it to keep her young. The flower is then taken away from her to be fed to the queen. The queen gives birth to Rapunzel, whose hair withholds the power of the flower. Rapunzel is kidnapped by Gothel, to the extent of keeping her in a large tower and raising her, her whole life. Gothel uses Rapunzel for her powers beheld in her hair from the magical flower to stay young. As a result of Rapunzel’s disappearance, the royal kingdom lights up lanterns, hoping for the return of the lost princess.

Then comes along Flynn Rider who stumbles upon Rapunzel’s tower while running from his accomplices and kingdom guards, he has stolen the lost princess’ tiara. He climbs the tower to find himself beaten senseless by Rapunzel. The quest begins on Rapunzel and Flynn’s journey to see the annual lantern lighting.

This version of the old German tale takes us on an adventure of Rapunzel finally beginning her life outside of her tower. She finds dreams, adventures, and love on this journey. It inspires to follow your dreams and to not be held back on following your dreams. It gives hope for those children or adults who long for a fairytale ending. The plot structure is very basic but it flows with the content of the movie. I would rate this movie a 9 out of 10 because of the plot and the morals of the movie.

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