The Hunger Games | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games

May 14, 2012
By CvB95 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
CvB95 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Hunger Games is the film adaptation of the best-selling novel by Suzanne Collins. The film was released by Lionsgate entertainment, directed by Gary Ross, and stars Jennifer Lawrence as the leading role of Katniss Everdeen.

The film is set in a future North America called Panem, where the country is split in to 12 districts. The main character lives in District 12 (present day West Virginia) where the main focus is coal mining.

Every year children ages 12-18 must submit their name at the Reaping. When Katniss’s sister’s name is selected, Katniss volunteers to step in for her in the Hunger Games, which is a televised event in which children from each district (tributes) compete for life in an arena. Just like any other book-turned- movie, there is a love interest (Peeta) played by Josh Hutcherson.

The film is about 2 hours long and does not waste time getting to the actual Hunger Games. Within 10 minutes the Reaping begins and the drama starts. The PG-13 rating would not allow for the showing of excessive gore that the book details, although the killing of some of the tributes shown can be graphic.

I would give this movie 3 out of 5 stars. The movie is well directed but the acting is not quite up to par. The actors could have been just a bit more convincing. The costumes and scenery are spectacular and are just like how I imagined they would be as I read the book. The film stays true to the book with only minor details left out.

The film ends with the two tributes from district 12 - Katniss and Peeta - winning the Hunger Games and The Capitol angered by being outsmarted and being forced to allow two tributes to win when there was only supposed to be a lone winner. It has an ending that leaves room for the second installment, Catching Fire.

Overall the film is satisfactory for the already large fan base of the book. It did the book justice unlike some other books-turned- movies. The movie served its purpose as being a major success and making fans of the book happy.

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