Harry Potter and The Dealthy Hallows Parts 2 | Teen Ink

Harry Potter and The Dealthy Hallows Parts 2

December 3, 2012
By Anonymous

The Deathly Hallows part 2 is possibly the best Harry Potter movie in the whole series. It has the best graphics and it is the only movie in the Harry Potter series to come out in 3D and in IMAX Theater. This movie probability has more action compared to any other movie in the series. This movie takes half of it filming in England and London. The other place this place films out is a giant castle in England named Hogwarts. It is a Hugh castle were all the students in the film go to learn magic.

I think the director really wanted to make a movie that people would remember for a long time. I also think he wanted to do his best on this last movie since it was the last movie they were ever going to make. In the end of everything I think he did a phenomenal job. He had made one of the movies in 2011.

It is one of the best rated films of 2011. It also earned a total of 483.2 million dollars in just the opening week. It has earned more money than any of the other Harry Potter movies that had come out. It currently is the fourth highest grossing movie of all time. Their budget for the movie was only 250 million. At the end of the time of the movie was out they had a final box office of 1,328,111,219. The premier of this movie came out on July 15, 2011 This wonderful movie, directed by David Yates, continues the adventure of Harry Potter, played by Daniel Radcliffe, Ron Weasley, played by Rupert Grint, and Hermione Granger, played by Emma Watson, as they look for the rest of Voldemort’s horcruxes.
The movie starts off with Voldemort, played by Ralph Fiennes, taking the elder wand out of Dumbledore’s grave. He is trying to kill Harry Potter once and for all. The only way Harry can have a chance of killing Voldemort is by finding the horcruxes. A horcruxe is when you split part of soul using dark magic to put it in an object making you kind of immortal until the horcruxe is destroyed. Harry and his friends are left not knowing what the horcruxes are so they don’t have a clue on what they’re supposed to look for. They have to put the clues together in order to find them.

Another thing about this movie is all the creativeness they put into this movie. If it was me I would never be able to come up with most of the scenes and acting. The acting done by everybody in it is unbelievable and amazing. Everybody does such a good job getting in character. They could not have casted better actors in the harry potter series. I also like how all they kept all the people from the first movie and carried them over into the last movie. This movie has some serious special effects in it. It has to be in order to since it is all about magic and fantasy.
The ending of the book and the movie is probably the most touching part and best part of the whole Harry Potter series. In the end of the movie it show Them all nineteen years later all still friends watching their kids.

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