Battleship | Teen Ink


December 3, 2012
By Zebra BRONZE, King George, Virginia
Zebra BRONZE, King George, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
May your neighbors respect, trouble neglect you, angels protect you, and heaven accept you - Drake

Characters: Raikes (Rihanna), Alex Hopper (Taylor Kitsch), Sam (Brooklyn Decker), Cal (Hamish Linklater), Captain Nagata (Tadanobu Asano), Admiral Shane (Liam Neeson), Stone Hopper (Alexander Skarsgard).

“Battleship” is an action film produced in the United States that premiered in Tokyo, Japan on April 11, 2012. The theme of this movie focuses on the navy fighting against aliens from another planet to save earth. The movie was produced and directed by Peter Berg, and is based off the game battleship. The cast includes singer Rihanna, Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgard, Brooklyn Decker, Liam Nelson, Jesse Plemons and many other wonderful actors.

The movie takes place in Hawaii where NASA sends a strong signal deep into space to planet-g which is a planet that is similar to earth, while that is happening Alex Hopper gets arrested trying to impress Sam, who is Admiral Shane's daughter. The next day Alex’ brother Stone Hopper, who works in the navy with Admiral Shane, tells him that he’s going to be joining him in the navy. A year later in 2012 Alex is a lieutenant in the navy at the 2012 RIMPAC while this is going on planet-g response back by sending five ships to earth and four of the five ships land in the Pacific Ocean. Alex hopper and captain Nagata team up at sea to save the earth from the aliens in the water and Alex’s’ girlfriend Sam, a prosthetic soldier and Cal, who is a scientist that works for NASA, also help by fighting them on the of the Hawaiian islands.
The movie is mainly about the navy saving earth from these aliens that are trying to take over earth take all of its resources. There are some parts in the movie that show how it is related to the board game “battleship.” It is worth seeing. It is the action packed movie of the year. Taylor Kitsch played his part wonderfully. I was blown away. He really knew how to transform his character from being an unemployed and irresponsible adult who thought everything was a joke into becoming this responsible adult throughout the movie. You could see how his character evolved by the end. Rihanna was amazing. I was star struck to see her play such an intense role and she did a wonderful job. She knew exactly how to get into the character Raikes, who is this tough girl in the navy that has this edgy tomboy look.

Director Peter Berg did a fantastic job on this movie. He gave you plenty of action pact scenes that had you jumping out of your seat wanting more and he also gave you romance at the same the time. The special effects where amazing as well. Everything looked so surreal especially the aliens. When you look at them you would think that they are actually real.

It was an overall good movie but I would have added more action to some of the scenes like made it more similar to the board game. I give the movie four stars.

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