Roman Holiday | Teen Ink

Roman Holiday MAG

December 27, 2012
By Sabrina Choi BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
Sabrina Choi BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Roman Holiday,” starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck, is a timeless classic of forbidden love set in this historic city of romance.

The movie follows the unexpected relationship that develops between Ann (Audrey Hepburn), an innocent but mischievous princess, and Joe (Gregory Peck), an ambitious American reporter. “Roman Holiday” appeals to audiences of all ages with the fairy tale-like simplicity of its plot. However, unlike usual fairy tales, the ending is bittersweet.

Hepburn truly brings “Roman Holiday” to life. As Ann travels around the city for the first time, Hepburn's gamine, waifish acting style makes even the simplest pleasures – like eating a gelato – ­exciting.

The fact that it was shot in black and white actually enhances the movie. Director William Wyler decided to use black and white filmography to help the audience focus more on the story than the exotic background. Indeed, this is one of the best features of “Roman Holiday,” as Rome's delightful streets will appear less like a tourist film and more like a backdrop to support the plot.

Despite its simple story, “Roman Holiday” has captured audiences for years. It will not fail to delight anyone.

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