FIeld Of Dreams | Teen Ink

FIeld Of Dreams

March 19, 2013
By xoxotaylorxo BRONZE, Roslyn Heights, New York
xoxotaylorxo BRONZE, Roslyn Heights, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the movie “Field Of Dreams.” directed by Phil Alden Robinson a farmer named Ray from Iowa who is played by Kevin Costner hears a voice in his head that motivates him to build a baseball field. Other main characters in the movie are his wife Annie who is played by Amy Madigan. Another main character is his daughter Karin who is played by Gaby Hoffman. The main characters in the movie played there rolls very well.

In this movie Ray hears a voice in his saying “if you build it he will come”. At first Ray couldn’t understand what that meant than he figured out that it meant if he builds a baseball field in his farm the Chicago Black Sox will come. After that he thought that would be the end of the voices in his but than he hears in his head “ease his pain” yet again he didn’t understand what they meant but he figured it out and he was right once again. It meant that he needed to go find the famous writer Terence Mann and take him to baseball game. While they were at the baseball game he figured out what he needed to find out so they left ten minutes after the sat down. As Ray was driving Terence back to his apartment he figured out that Terence was also heard the voice “go the distance”. Again they figured out what that meant. It meant they must go find Moonlight Graham but moonlight Graham is dead. This story is about Ray finding out what this voice wants from him.

The movie Field of Dreams had amazing filming scenes. The quality was not bad at all. The one thing I definitely did not like was the acting. The actor Kevin Costner was very good though. The rest of the actors were okay. It kind of seemed that they were laughing in some of the scenes. The way they used the voices in Ray’s head were outstanding. The storyline was very good but at some points I thought it was very stupid and very unrealistic. They also made it seem it was normal that Ray was hearing voices in his head. It really wasn’t normal. The daughter Karen was very irritating at points in the movie. Her comments were very pointless. The cinematography was done really well. The movie was very interesting and very well put together overall.

If you are into baseball you will love this movie because there is a lot of baseball scenes used and it is a sports movie. People should really go see it no matter what. It was such an awesome film even though at some points it was kind of confusing because you really had to pay attention to each point that was going on. This movie was great.


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