Field of Dreams | Teen Ink

Field of Dreams

March 20, 2013
By Jimmy Sicila BRONZE, Roslyn Heights, New York
Jimmy Sicila BRONZE, Roslyn Heights, New York
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The movie “Field of Dreams” was an okay movie. People didn’t like it because it was such a confusing movie and a weird concept. The movie could have been better with the plot but it really didn’t amaze the viewer like it should. The actors were not the best but James Earl Jones who played the role of Terrance Mann was a good role for this character because he really got into his character. The movie is about Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) a farmer struggling to keep his farmland who never really did anything exciting in his life. So he goes and builds a baseball field because he heard a voice that said “If you build it he will come.” Eventually ghosts started appearing and he had to fulfill what the ghostly voice was telling him to do. The ghosts couldn’t go off the field and if they did they would turn into their older selves. Ray is in a lot of trouble with financials but still risks his farm to have some sort of excitement in his life.

The movie sort of broke its own rules because the climax was when Ray saw the ghost on his baseball field. Since the players can’t go off the field it was confusing when Ray and Terrance were making their way back from Minnesota they pick up a hitchhiker who is one of the players. It made no sense what so ever. The climax came extremely early and it just made the movie so boring afterwards because it was just falling action. The actors were not the best and really were not happy to be starring in the movie which added to the boringness of the movie.
The movie had a pretty interesting plot but it was poorly developed. It really surprised me that the climax was such a quick example. There were many problems with the movie but there were some upsides to the movie. The movie really made you think about when you were a kid, playing ball with your father and for the love of baseball. The setting was perfect because it was a farmer on a farm in Iowa and perfect for building a baseball field. Those are really the only upsides to the movie. The ending really threw me off because there really was no ending.
I do recommend this movie if you are into baseball but if you aren’t than it is not a movie for you. Since I am not a huge baseball fan I would give it 3 stars because it was not a movie for me. If the movie was made a little less confusing it would have been much better.

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