Pitch perfect | Teen Ink

Pitch perfect

April 21, 2013
By noelle simard BRONZE, Kennesaw GA, Minnesota
noelle simard BRONZE, Kennesaw GA, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Aca-Beleive It!

“Pitch Perfect” is a laugh out loud, heart-filled, entertaining film that tells the story of an all girl acapella college group trying to achieve their goal of winning the ICCA’s, a national acapella competition.

Characters like Fat Amy, Beca, Aubrey, Bumper, jessie, and Benji make the movie worth wile. My favorite character by far is Fat Amy. Between her hilarious jokes and her comical performances, she is a great contribution to the movie. I liked how the movie took place in the present so it was easy to relate too. The musical performances were also fun to watch. My favorite scene is the national acapella competition where the Barden Bellas make their big comeback against the Treble Makers. Who will win?

The lesson that you should take from “Pitch Perfect” is that unique and different is better. Also that working as a team will get you far.

People that would like this movie are teens and adults. Especially ones who love comedies or music.

All in all, I give this movie a A+!

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