The Last Song | Teen Ink

The Last Song

April 21, 2013
By mads10 BRONZE, Paoli, Pennsylvania
mads10 BRONZE, Paoli, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says im-possible

“The Last Song”

“The Last Song” was a touching film starring Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. It is a very sentimental movie and important to many father-daughter relationships. The one question “What if that was my dad?” touches the daughters and almost always nobody leaves without a tear of some kind. Many films try to capture the true meaning of this father-daughter relationship, but “The Last Song” by far really does it effectively. This film is also, based on a Nicholas Sparks’ novel by the same name, and also, effectively tells the story.

This movie is about a teen girl, Ronnie (played by Miley Cyrus), and her brother, Jonah (played by Bobby Coleman), who go up to their father’s house for the summer of 2010 in North Carolina after their parents went through a divorce. Ronnie and her father struggle to connect with each other and is really hurting Jonah because he loves them both dearly. The twist here is that Ronnie’s father is dying of lung cancer, but neither of his children knows. The father really tries to connect with his children throughout the book.

Miley Cyrus did an amazing job at executing the emotional and serious parts. She truly applies herself to this character as if it really were herself going through these tough times. Even though some scenes do get a bit cheesy, she always pulls through at the end. Liam Hemsworth was the perfect choice for Will. He was pretty much the rock of Ronnie, and he was a huge supporter. He also emotionally executes his character beautifully. The actor Greg Kinnear, who plays the father, really puts his feet in the shoes of a dying person. He truly makes you believe that the actor is going through these tough times, even though he isn’t. The actors were truly the perfect match for this movie.

The movie is a real drama movie that emotionally touches the hearts of all that watch. The emotions are put forward and the audience truly eats them up. You can tell that Nicholas Sparks knew what he was doing as a writer. He effectively meets the expectations of all and makes you go inside your soul to search for yourself, as Ronnie did. This film could be reality and the movie makes it feel as if it were. Nothing you expected at the beginning happened at the end, and an audience truly loves when that happens. This film was an amazing story from start to finish.

The lesson that is to be learned from this story is, “You never know what you have until it is gone”. This is a lesson that stands out because Ronnie and her father don’ get along well in the beginning, until she learns her father is dying. Then, she truly realizes that her father was meant to be her father. Also, you learn that you must be grateful for what you have because God gave that to you and it is a gift.

I believe teen girls would truly like and relate to this movie. I would also recommend it to families because it could bring them closer, and once again makes you think, “What if that was my dad?” This movie is rated PG. “The Last Song” was an inspiring film that truly touches the heart’s of millions. **** out of *****

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