Ferris Bueler | Teen Ink

Ferris Bueler

April 21, 2013
By Anonymous

The movie “Ferris Bueler’s Day Off” is about a high school boy named Ferris Bueler. This semester Ferris has been sick nine times and as he says in the movie he needs to make this day count, and he does. When Ferris’ best friend Cameron Frye is sick too, Ferris has a ride and a way to pick up his girlfriend Sloan Peterson. They pick up Sloan and get going to Chicago where the story is based. When Ferris leaves, Ed Rooney the high schools principle is on there case and follows them to Chicago.

While Ferris and his friends drive to Chicago Janie, Ferris’s sister is at home skipping school mad that Ferris is faking sick. Ed Rooney, thinking that Ferris is faking sick at home goes to his house where Janie is. They see each other thinking it’s Ferris. Surprised that it’s not Janie Kicks Ed in the Face and calls the cops.

Ferris and company do all sorts of things in Chicago from looking down from the top of the Sear’s Tower to singing on a float. His dad almost catches him twice on the trip as he avoids him in a fancy restaurant that he went to, a taxi next to Ferris or when his dad almost sees him on the float.

Ferris tries to get home in time before his parents or Ed Rooney finds him. Ed Rooney does, but just as he catches him at the door Janie lets Ferris in and saves him.

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