The Perfect Game | Teen Ink

The Perfect Game

April 22, 2013
By braden reilly BRONZE, Devon, Pennsylvania
braden reilly BRONZE, Devon, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Period 6
“The Perfect Game”
The movie “The Perfect Game” came out in 2009 and is an interesting film about how a group of rag-tag children create a little league baseball team. That outstands America with how they do what no one believes they could.

In this movie a group of baseball loving children from Mexico form a team to play in the little league. One boy on the team, Angel Macias, knows a man in town who was a former baseball player and was made coach of the team. The movie is based on a true story involving all the hard times they face including when their priest that travels with them has to leave because his visa expires. But they find ways to get passed all the obstacles they face and continue to the World Series in Pennsylvania.

Jake T. Austin does a good job of playing the boy who gets all the boys and the coach to agree to play on the team. He also does a good job of being able to play baseball and use his emotions well.

I liked how this movie made you be fighting for the under dogs being the boys from Mexico and how they do so well. Also this movie is inspirational because nobody likes them and they’re just ignoring it and showing all the people who dislike them that they are good and that changes how people view them.

I learned that even if you aren’t the best at something and everyone else is better than you, you always have a chance. Also that even if all odds are against you , you always can win even if it’s 1 to 100 there still is a chance.

I think sports players or people who enjoy sports would enjoy this movie very much because it is about sports and most people like and underdog story. I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes or plays baseball. Overall this was a good movie I really enjoyed it.

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