Walking on Water | Teen Ink

Walking on Water

May 15, 2013
By Anonymous

Walking on Water, Movie Review
In the film Walking on Water, the main characters are Tyler Hallen, Luke Davis and Bryan Jennings. In the movie, we see the world through the eyes of Tyler and Luke as they travel the world on a trip of a lifetime. Bryan Jennings is a professional surfer who takes Tyler and Luke; two young and upcoming suffers, around the world. Bryan Jennings was 14 when a pro-surfer did this for him and changed his life. Bryan takes Luke and Tyler around the world to change their lives like someone did for him when he was 14. They surf with 3-time world champ Tom Curren, Soul Surfer’s Bethany Hamilton, pro-surfer C.J. and Damien Hobgood, Al Merrick and many other great surfers. They travel to Hawaii, Peru, Australia, Indonesia, South Africa and France, as these places become their classroom. I was attracted to this movie because of my love of the ocean and enjoyment of surfing and boogie boarding. While watching this film I was doing a self-reflection. I would think about the things I have and what I take for granite and not appreciate what I have.
I enjoyed the different places and adventures that Luke and Tyler explore. They not only surf and enjoy the waves but they tour through the villages and cultural towns of destinations. In Peru they visit a village that is one of the poorest villages in Peru. They take many toys and clothing to the village and hand them out. This brings tons of joy and happiness to the children. They usually don’t know where there next meal is or finding new clothing. So when people bring them clothing and other necessities, its one of the best days of there lives. I enjoyed the great feeling that Luke and Tyler got from giving the shirts off their backs and all the other items they brought. I also enjoyed the relationships that the boys made with other surfers. The boys met many great professional surfers and got great advise from all of them. In France the boys meet the Hobgood brothers and learn more about what a professional surfer is all about. They tell them the ins and outs of being on tour and travelling. They mention not only all the fun times and great experiences but the hardships and stress of being a professional surfer. C.J. Hobgood mentions that Tyler or Luke might realize that being a professional surfer is not for them.
There wasn’t much acting because it was a documentary and the cameras just followed surfer on an adventure. But the way that they presented the adventure and the motion picture was fantastic. There were tons of shots in the water of the surfers catching huge waves. The shots that they capture are breath taking and give new meaning to the adventure they are on. They also use a map to show where there adventure has taken them. The map gives a sense of adventure and keeps you intrigued on where they were going next.
If I had any criticism of this amazing movie, it would be the ending of the movie. After the boys went to all there destinations, the movie just ended and there was no conclusion. I was looking for something that wrapped up the adventure and gave this life-changing trip a close. I was looking for reflection of some sort from Tyler and Luke. I would have enjoyed them saying a few worlds about what they got out of the trip or things they will do different in their lives now. Other than the missing conclusion I thought that the movie as a whole was fantastic.
I suggest the documentary, Walking on Water, to anyone who has a passion for the ocean or someone who enjoys a good story. This movie documents the travels of two passionate surfers that will connect to viewers of all ages. Even if you don’t have a passion for the sea or documentaries, I recommend renting this movie because of its amazing story that anyone can enjoy. Even though it didn’t win any awards, it would get my vote for best story or best motion picture. The movie is a great movie to watch to get inspired and ready for beach season. I know that I’m getting ready for lake and beach season and watching this movie got me excited. So if you were anxious for beach season I would recommend this movie to get you into the beach mode. This documentary is easy to find and watch. Viewers can find it on Netflix, Amazon and many movie rental places has it. The trailer and more information can be found on IMDB.

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