The Great Gatsby | Teen Ink

The Great Gatsby

May 16, 2013
By Brittani Simpson BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
Brittani Simpson BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“The Great Gatsby” is now one of my favorite movies. Everything about the movie was awesome. From the actors to the story line, everything was terrific. I had just finished reading to book and I was so excited about seeing the movie and comparing it to the movie. It wasn’t a movie that made you sit and critique every little thing that was different from the book. The director did a great job at grasping your attention and keeping it. At the end I did realize that there were some differences, such as the relationship between Nic and Jordan was cut out and Tom and Daisy’s daughter, Pammy, was not introduced to Gatsby.

I have seen the other versions of the film and I was quite surprised at how different the 2013 version is from the 1974 version. The modern aspects to the film are a fantastic addition that makes you feel like you are involved in the situation with the characters. Leonardo Di Caprio did an incredible job of representing the description of Jay Gatsby. I don’t think there is one thing different about how the book describes Gatsby and how Di Caprio looked. I think that the director, Luhrmann, did an amazing job at making the look each location look like it would look in the 1920’s.

For those that don’t know the plot, the movie is about a young man named Nic that moved to the east to start his life. He moves next to a man named Jay Gatsby who lives in a huge mansion and Nic lives in a small cottage. He meets Gatsby and they become good friends. Nic is telling the story about Gatsby’s love life with Daisy. You see both the good and bad sides to all the characters. The lesson I learned is to be hesitant to get caught up in one person because one day it will affect you and that could be good or bad.

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