The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe | Teen Ink

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe MAG

By Anonymous

     “The Chronicles of Narnia” is an awesome family movie. People of all ages will enjoy it since it immediately grabs your attention and pulls you right in.

This movie is based on the first of C.S. Lewis’s seven novels in the Chronicles of Narnia series and the plot remains true to the original. It begins as the four Pevensie children (Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy) lose their home during World War II and are sent to live with a professor in a gigantic mansion. While playing hide-and-seek, Lucy, the youngest girl, finds a mystical land beyond the back wall of the wardrobe.

The four kids somehow end up in the land of Narnia where they encounter good and evil talking beasts. The children learn that this astonishing land is ruled by the hideous White Witch. To complement the remarkable story of these four children, “The Chronicles of Narnia” is filled with magnificent visuals.

The graphics are mind-blowing. During the battles between Aslan, The Lion, and the White Witch, everything seems incredibly realistic. With every slash of a sword and gouge of a knife, the battle feels authentic. The furry friends that live throughout the magical land of Narnia even look real.

Along with the astonishing graphics, the audience is entertained by an enthusiastic cast. William Moseley, Anna Popplewell, Skandar Keynes, and Georgie Henley are remarkable as the children. The voices of the animated characters also add greatly to this film. The voice of Mr. Tumnus is one to remember, too. The accent that James McAvoy uses makes the character who he is.

If you enjoy watching fantasy movies, you will absolutely love “The Chronicles of Narnia.” I highly recommend that you take time to view this heart-warming film. I am almost positive that everyone who watches it will have no regrets. They may, in fact, even look at their wardrobe in a different way!


This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

on Jul. 21 2016 at 9:09 pm
Jtatsu PLATINUM, East Brunswick, New Jersey
26 articles 0 photos 77 comments
As much as I like this review, I would like to make one tiny correction: C.S. Lewis's book, The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe is actually the second book of the Chronicles of Narnia series, and not the first- the first is actually a book titled The Magician's Nephew. Other than that, I do believe this was a well written article about one of my personal favorite childhood movies. I would have liked it a bit more if you did include more points (such as the soundtrack) but for a short article, it was extremely concise and straight to the point, which is everything a review should be. Good job!