Pay It Forward | Teen Ink

Pay It Forward

September 19, 2013
By Anonymous

Pay It Forward Movie Review

Recently my class watched the movie Pay It Forward. The movie was about a kid named Trevor McKinney who came up with an idea that if you helped somebody, than that somebody helped somebody else than it help change the world.

Something I liked about the movie was Trevor’s first act of his pay it forward idea. Trevor brought a homeless man to his house and gave him food and a place to sleep. I liked this because it shows Trevor’s determination to take his Pay It Forward idea seriously and trying to make a difference. Another thing I liked about the movie was the “movie techniques”. I believe the background music suited the scenes well and the emotion the characters showed during the movie was appropriate and they did a good job.

Something I disliked about the movie was the fact Trevor, who is a seventh grader, is growing up to fast. I say this because Trevor’s mom is an alcoholic and Trevor acts as the parent figure a lot of the time by pouring his mother’s liquor out and trying to keep it away from her. Another thing I didn’t like about the movie was the ending. I feel it didn’t need to end the way it did and wished it ended in a more positive way.

I think the movie Pay It Forward was a really good movie and therefore I give it 4.5 stars. I wished it didn’t end the way it did, but I do recommend this movie. Some scenes may be inappropriate, but it was overall a good movie. I did get touched by this movie and it made me feel that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

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