Instructions Not Included | Teen Ink

Instructions Not Included

October 29, 2013
By Eduardo96 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Eduardo96 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Instructions Not Included

Instruction Not Included is an extraordinary film produced by the Mexican comedian, Eugenio Derbez. He directed the movie and he also participated as the protagonist. Since this movie was released in theaters, it have had impacted the audience and especially to Latinos, because it connects more to Mexican manners. Other movie directed by him was La Misma Luna that also became very popular in Latino communities.

Valentin (Eugenio Derbez) did not want any kind of commitment. One day Julie (Jessica Lindsey) gave his daughter, Maggi, to Valentin. She asked for ten dollars for the taxi and she did not return. Valentin went to Los Angeles to look for Julie and give her back the baby, but he starts to love her. They stay there; he raises Maggi for seven years and got a job as a stuntman in Hollywood, a very dangerous job. After seven years Julie returned for Maggi, but Valentin does not agreed. This led to many problems, but at the end this seems to be better because Maggi realized who had always been there all her life. Valentine also realized that those where the best ten dollars investment he had ever made.

I enjoyed watching this movie because is not just comedy movie but it also teaches a lesson. Once you start watching it you will want to finish it. Many things in this movie are represented based in Latino’s culture and manners. That is why many of thing are not going to make sense to American even if was translated in English because they have other meaning.

Love plays a great role in this movie. Valentine changed his life of a careless person to a much better person to give to Maggi a better life. All the effort given to a certain thing is going to pay back in a larger amount. This is what is represented in this movie when Valentine realized that the ten dollar worth it what he had done, he had Maggi by his side and received her appreciation and love even though he discovered that Maggi was not his daughter after all.

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