Ender's Game | Teen Ink

Ender's Game

November 21, 2013
By Anonymous

Ender’s Game Movie Review

Ender’s Game is about a 6 year-old boy that is drafted by the space army to defeat an ant-like alien called “Buggers”. It is from him being 6 to being about 12. He goes through the struggles that are supposed to make him stronger.
Ender has been living with a monitor for the longest time, and is excited to get it off. His brother and people at school treat him differently because he has had the monitor on so long. Nothing changes, in fact things get worse for Ender. After beating up one of his tormenters, he suddenly gets drafted by the army. He finds out that taking off his monitor was only a test to see how he would react. He enters battle school and right off the bat people don’t like him. He is upset because Colonel Graff is trying to make it harder for him to make friends. He soon goes to command school because they think he is the best. He is the youngest person to ever get into command school, and the hatred begins again. He has to go to Salamander Army first. His commander doesn’t like him at all. His commander’s name was Bonzo. He picks up on techniques that are unseen, and battles against other armies. After he gets his own army, the Dragon Army, he wins all of his battles against other armies. Bonzo gets upset with how much Ender is winning, and decides to make it stop. He corners Ender in the showers, and they fight. Ender ends up beating up Bonzo so bad that he has to go home to earth. He then gets a new teacher by the name of Mazer Rackham, the honorable commander of the last war. He teaches him new techniques that he has never thought of. Him and his army do many simulations, that lead to the graduating test. After winning, Ender is told that it wasn’t a simulation, and that all of it was real.

Ender’s Game movie characters were different from what I imagined them to be. The characters in the movie were older than 6-12, it was more like 13-17. I thought that Major Anderson was a guy, too. Graff, Valentine, and Alai were portrayed well in my opinion. They were who I imagined they would be. Bonzo, I thought, would be taller than Ender. It was awkward to me when Bonzo was threatening Ender and Ender would have to look down at him. I also that that Dink would be more substantial in the movie, like he was in the book. Mazer Rackham was the worst. I didn’t imagine him as an old man with tattoos. I imagined him looking calm and serene. It would be easier to confuse Ender, rather than being scary looking. I also thought Dap would be nice, like the fatherly figure in the book.

I thought that the battle school would be less complex. The battle room was way bigger than I imagined it to be and I thought the stars in there were like cardboard with little notches in the back. I also thought that the toons would be in separate sections of their army room, not just different bunk beds. I also thought the commander room, would be connected, not as far as it was away from the army. The movie wasn’t bad, but it was missing a few important scenes from the book.

The movie would be good if you didn’t read the book. It wasn’t as detailed as the book was, and it was missing key parts of the book. I would rate the movie a 6/10. If you didn’t read the book, it would be an 8/10. The movie wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t fantastic. I personally wouldn’t go see it again. If you haven’t read the book Ender’s Game, I would recommend it. If you have read the book, you will be disappointed in the movie.

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