The Gridiron Gang | Teen Ink

The Gridiron Gang

November 22, 2013
By Anonymous

"One Goal, A Second Chance"
Last week I watched “The Gridiron Gang.” The Gridiron Gang was directed by: Phil Joanou. The main cast and characters are Dwayne Johnson plays as Sean Porter, Xzibit plays as Malcolm Moore, Jade Yorker stars as Willie Weathers, David Thomas stars as Kelvin Owens, and Michael J. Pagan plays Roger Weathers.
Sean Porter (The Rock) is a probation officer at a Juvenile detention center in LA, trying to give teenagers a second chance at life. He decides to create a football team so the teenagers can feel like they're part of something. Sean believes that football will teach teenagers what it takes to be responsible, mature, and winners. He picks out a few kids in the room that he feels will benefit from this program and requires that they practice with him. He says to his new team, The Mustangs, "You are all losers, but if you stick with the program you could all be winners at the end." Two of the teens do not get along because they are from rival gangs. Willie Weathers (Jade Yorker) is from the 88’s and Kelvin Owens (David Thomas) is from the 95’s. The first game is against the best team in the league, Barrington. The game starts out kind of positive for the Mustangs, as they recover a fumble on the first drive, but things quickly turn. They are crushed by Barrington, losing by 38 points. After starting 0-2, the Mustangs start winning games as they learn to work together. Kelvin and Willie finally shake hands when they win a game by one touchdown after Kelvin makes a big block for Willie. Near the end of the season, the Mustangs are headed for the playoffs. They are getting more publicity and more fans along the way.
One of Willie’s 88 gang mates Free stops by the field. Free shoots Kelvin in the shoulder. As Free prepares to put another bullet in Kelvin's head, Willie runs toward him and tackles Free to the ground to save Kelvin. Free is shocked that Willie helped Kelvin and not him. The police show up, and Free runs off. He fires at the responding officers who fire in return, killing him. Kelvin doesn’t play in the play offs. When play offs came around they had a lot of fans. Mustangs went into half down losing and Willie gives an inspirational speech and the Mustangs end up winning and going to the Championships. You have to watch the movie to find out what happens.

I wouldn’t change anything about this movie because it’s really good and proves its point. I loved the story and how inspirational it is. Willie and his team really pulled together as a family. They blocked for Willie on one of his touchdowns to win the playoff. Willie was one of the main characters and throughout the movie you can see him improve. I got a lot out of this movie. I would definitely recommend it. This movie shows that there is always a choice. If you mess up in life, it will give you a chance to turn your life around.

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